Sunday, April 28, 2013

Facebook Updates @

Greetings. Just a quick post to tell you that I have pumped a lot of effort and energy into the facebook page.

We now feature a forum where I am posting information and links that will guide and inform you. (The notes facility just wasnt doing it for me!)

We aim to provide you with support and information and ideas - not necessarily answers. That's your job. Find, create, what works for you and your service. What would work for me, might not work for you!

We now also feature a chat app! So, if you would like to talk to others - that's the place to go - not 100% how that would work - perhaps we set up evening chat times for those who are interested in networking fingertip to fingertip rather than face to face?

Anyway, we're awesome, and we've got chat and forum apps!
(C) Teacher's Ink. 2013

Resource for Families: Don't Be Late To Save The Date!

Resource for Families: Don't Be Late To Save The Date:

"Immunisation protects the community against vaccine-preventable diseases. Each vaccine plays an important role, so timely vaccination is the best way to protect your child. This website offers parents access to comprehensive information on immunisation as well as the following, easy-to-use free tools designed to help you save the date to vaccinate."

There is a PDF for you to print as well! A fantastic resource to share with families! Especially for those families who are on CCB - as being late on your child's immunizations can affect their fees!

They are also available in the following community langages:
Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, Darl, Dinka , Farsi, French, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Karen, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Samoan, Spanish, Thai, Tongan, Turkish, Vietnamese

[image from: ]

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Shameless (well, slightly shameful) Facebook Plug!

I'd like to see a bigger number. That's all. :)
I'm admitting it.
I'm up-front about it.
It's an ego thing.
I'm imperfect.
I'm human.
I'm gonna go with that!

(share us around with your friends!!!) 

Monday, April 22, 2013

So, Have YOU Read the NQS - Quality Area 1?!?!

How many of us have actually read the NQS ~ Quality Area 1? Come on, hands up ... Well, you know who you are ...

Ok, I have ... Originally it was a year ago ... and then I thought I might look at it again about 5 months ago, and then I got distracted, and last week I thought, no, damn it, I’m going to do this! So I did. Wow. It looks different (well, not really, it’s the same, I am different. “It’s not you (NQS), It’s me.”).

So, do we read and know and educate ourselves? Or do we simply blindly do what our management (directors, owners, area managers, CEOs etc) tell us to? And where do they get their information? I’ve read on the world wide interwebz that people are being asked to not only link their observations and planning to the EYLF (Principles, Practices and the Outcomes) and now the NQS. One person said that their Assessor commented at their Assessment Visit upon their NQS linking practice as favourable. Please do not lead us all down that track again.

Come on people! READ!!!

Don’t always do as you are told! Be independent thinkers (The irony here is that this is what we are supposed to be teaching children!).

People are going to tell you lots and lots of (I’m going to swear, look away if you’re sensitive) bullshit (ok, you can look back now). It doesn’t mean that its true and you have to do it.

Please. PLEASE don’t be naive. Please don’t be sheep. Please don’t just do as you are told. Please question! Please read. Please educate yourselves! And I don’t mean go to training (‘cause a lot of them don’t know what they’re doing either ;))! I mean READ and THINK and REFLECT on the NQS as well as the EYLF or whichever learning framework you are using. That’s what they tell us to do: NQS Element 1.2.3. It’s there in perhaps not so plain English.

I’ve stood upon my official Teacher’s Ink. Soapbox before and made declarations on this matter. And I feel the need to do this again. You don’t need to link the observations to the Principles and Practices! They are about the children, their thoughts, ideas ... their learning, development, and skills. Got that?

Look. I can’t really even start to talk to you guys about my thinking on Quality Area 1 because I’m drowning in the thinking of it! I’ve been breaking it down into chunks. I’ve been turning each element into a sort of mind-map and I’ve highlighted the key words that really stand out for me. I don’t know where to start, and I don’t even know exactly what I’d say! I’m a visual learner – so turning each element into a sort of mind-map – really is helping me. Plus I like arrows. It helps me to connect aspects of the elements together. With arrows. Did I mention I’m liking arrows? And colours. I’m doing them in colour so they’re prettier. ‘Cause let’s face it. The NQS isn’t pretty. It’s the small things that excite me these days.

So yeah, I don’t have a lot to say in regards to specific elements of the standards (‘cause I’m still working on this in my brain) BUT I do implore that you don’t be sheep, mindless robots, doers not thinkers.

Think my people! THINK!

Ok, stepping down from the official soap box now ...

© Teacher’s Ink. 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The de-clutter continues!!!

Yeah, yeah, I know ... Still not done yet!  I was thinking back to my two bedroom apartment and wondering why oh why do I have more things in a 3 bedroom house, than I did there!? I have only added one antique chest of drawers! I’ve even gotten rid of a big book case and boxes and boxes of books and clothes! And I now have built in wardrobes as well! So what is going on there?!

Well, I’ll tell you what ... a lot of it has to do with work ...  I’ve got all my teaching resources and bits and pieces AND iokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk <- those letters of wisdom came from the Teacher’s Ink. Quality Control Officer (TIQCO) walking across the laptop ...

Where was I? Yes, I’ve got a tonne of stuff. And I really am questioning my materialistic nature! Each time, I'm getting more and more brutal.
Instead of attacking it – I cleaned my bedroom and swapped my summer clothes over to some warmer ones. I shined, polished, dusted, sorted, and got another bag of donations together.

Oh, and instead of sorting out the office, I read a book from start to finish and LOVED it! It was humours light chick lit and required very little thinking!

I hope everyone else had fabulous (and productive) weekends!

© Teacher’s Ink. 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

Projects? Really? Who says?

I’ve been thinking about projects. A great deal. And I don’t even know where to begin. Why do we do them? Who said we have to do them? What is their purpose? How are they meant to benefit the children? When is it a project and not a theme? When is it a theme and not a project? Do you like doing them? Do you get anything out of them?

Look, I’m not a project expert. I’m not even 100% sure what my feelings are about them. Sure, there are benefits of putting together a document for and with children ... BUT ... unless you really are strong in your practice and you know what you are doing ... well, are you doing more theme-harm than good?

I was planning to write on this weeks ago, but I got distracted and have been downsizing the house. Work before Play after all. And once I get all the work stuff done, then I can play!

Anyway, Projects. I remember being told that I had to do them. That it was a requirement of my teaching practice at the service I was working at. I never really questioned it. I just did them. I did try to do them smartly – put excerpts from the day book and observations and the like into them along with drawings and quotes and mind maps and the like to create these project books. They were simply a collection of random materials that maybe illustrated children’s engagement rather than their learning. They were merely put on display for maybe parents to look at ... they were never really used much. The children occasionally looked at them. They were pretty much a tool for the Director to use to show what we do at the service on a tour ... All that time and effort? What for?

As I was looking for information I came across this from Kathy Walker:

 “The reality is that young children are not mini adults and they do not make sense of their world through long, adult driven, adult agenda laden projects and predetermined topics!”

Ok, yes, that statement is a very strong one ... and I’m actually agreeing with it more than disagreeing.

At what point is a project driven by children? What do the children benefit?

I especially ask this, because I see so many people across Facebook or the internet at large, either saying they are doing a “project” with under two year olds on this topic or that, or asking for help on project topics to do with this age group of that age group ... That to me just screams topic or theme. And it really doesn’t illustrate play or natural learning to me.

This blog entry is just about what is churning on inside me right now. I don’t have any conclusions at this point ... just a lot of swirly questions and ideas going through my mind!

And I need to bring in some laundry. Thank you for reading and following and being my quiet secret admirers! It’s much appreciated! Don’t forget there is a facebook page!

© Teacher’s Ink. 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

DeHording & Possible Projects!

Today was about gardening and housework and laundry. I have managed to donate a big bag of clothes and a small wooden table to the Salvos (Sustainable Me!), purchase weed-matting and mulch for the garden (More Sustainable Me!), purchase some storage tubs (Not Sustainable Me!).

I'm planning to attack my clump of was supposed to be useful stuff ... you know paper and books and resources and stuff ... I'm down-sizing even more! Massive amounts are going to be donated to a service that can use it!

I'm going to move a lot of my teaching things into the shed as I'm not using them and they are just taking up space ...

HOWEVER that means [cue ominous music] that I must clean out the shed!!!! Nooooo! Its not that bad ... but it doesnt have a weather proof floor, so when it rains, it can get damp or even a bit flooded ... So things are up on pavers and shelves etc ... I'm not 100% sure how things will survive in there, but the bags of shredded paper seem to be fine!

Tomorrow, I hope to be organised enough to take a bag of old towels, a cat bed, and bags of shredded paper to the animal shelter (Ethical Sustainable Me!) ... I have them ready, I just have to make the drive!

Today was more about preparation rather than execution. Tomorrow I'm going to start executing the plan as my brother will be coming over next week and he can help me shift some small furniture! See, backcare even in the home!

I also have a couple of projects I've thought of that I want to work on ... and I'll fit them in during the week too ...

I have found so many useful links and the like and I want to share them! There really is so much helpful things out there ... its just a matter of finding them, or finding the time to find them!

I'm typing this with the Teacher's Ink Quality Control Officer sitting in front of the screen ... he's making a statement about my work ... In other words: 1) feed him and 2) go get ready to go out!

Any spelling errors, I blame TIQCO!

I hope everyone is having a slendid weekend and I shall return! Projects underway, and room organised!