Sunday, April 21, 2013

The de-clutter continues!!!

Yeah, yeah, I know ... Still not done yet!  I was thinking back to my two bedroom apartment and wondering why oh why do I have more things in a 3 bedroom house, than I did there!? I have only added one antique chest of drawers! I’ve even gotten rid of a big book case and boxes and boxes of books and clothes! And I now have built in wardrobes as well! So what is going on there?!

Well, I’ll tell you what ... a lot of it has to do with work ...  I’ve got all my teaching resources and bits and pieces AND iokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk <- those letters of wisdom came from the Teacher’s Ink. Quality Control Officer (TIQCO) walking across the laptop ...

Where was I? Yes, I’ve got a tonne of stuff. And I really am questioning my materialistic nature! Each time, I'm getting more and more brutal.
Instead of attacking it – I cleaned my bedroom and swapped my summer clothes over to some warmer ones. I shined, polished, dusted, sorted, and got another bag of donations together.

Oh, and instead of sorting out the office, I read a book from start to finish and LOVED it! It was humours light chick lit and required very little thinking!

I hope everyone else had fabulous (and productive) weekends!

© Teacher’s Ink. 2013

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