Teachers Ink. Content

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I Have A "No-Kill" Policy ...

Yup, you heard me right.

I found a dog.

He's 12 years old. Ex-breeding stud perhaps? Desexed and given away apparently a year ago by the breeder (apparently) ... Breeder hasnt updated the details ...

His "new" owners haven't come forward ...

I found him running in traffic in the rain, following a thunder storm ...

He's underweight, has fleas, toe nails too long, a few patches of dermatitis (I'm so hoping NOT mange) ...

I can't save all the animals in the world even though I want to.

I can save this one.

I'll have a "no intervention" policy ... I'll feed him and house him and play with him and just wait and see while I still look for his owners ...

I'd be so disappointed in myself if I took him to the pound where they'd put him down. Who would want a 12 year old arthritic dog? Not many, if any.

My dog beats him up though. Something to work on. Dog whispering skills to learn.

I have a no kill policy ... because to give him up, would be to let him die, and I wouldn't be able to hold my head up, look myself in the mirror, or sleep with a dry pillow.

I've been saving creatures since I was a child and as far as I'm concerned its clearly in my nature.


  1. I think what you are doing is amazing! Last year there was a lovebird who flew into our school. Unfortunately, some other teachers caught it and let it go in the open. It flew around the school for the whole day. I couldn't bare to see this happen. I saw it at recess and I caught it and brought it home. I didn't know it was a female until it laid an unfertilized egg. Unfortunately, the second time she tried laying an egg, she became egg bound and passed away :(. I hope your new dog lives a much longer life with you than in the open. You are a great person. Thanks for being kind to animals!

    1. No, Thank You Paige Turner! I adore that you rescued the little female - being egg bound is a sad way for the poor poppet to pass - but you saved her from worse fates - starvation, cats, big mean bitey birds! You loved her while you could - and obviously still do :) ...I found a rainbow lorikeet the same way! She's currently in my dining room ... New dog is doing well - I'm still sorting out his long term fate - but since he's 12 years old (they can live to be possibly 15 if in great health), arthritic, and turns out he has malanomas all over his stomach - one is particularly bad. Still no response to my online notices ... My dog has calmed down a huge amount and they are great friends now! GO figure. Well, unless there are balls/dog toys or food involved - then its growly-time-centre. So ... I really appreaciate your support :) ... A lot! <3

    2. Thank you! I love that we share a love for animals. I love all your share on your blog so I have given your blog the Liebster Award!! Please check it out!


      -Paige Turner

    3. Paige! I was flashing back to this post ... My beautiful Dally passed away a year ago from heat stroke on a hot day while I was at work. The vet assured me that it would have been relatively quick for him. I was devastated.

      Dally lived with me for 18 months. He turned into the most amazing dog - which just showed me how neglected and abused he had been for 12 months ...

      He was loved. He became great friends with my little red dog ... Who missed him terribly when he passed away. I had him cremated and he sits in an urn on my buffet.

      - G
